Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aren't the US candidates teeth excessively white?

I have never seen such white teeth! What's up? They all look like they have false teeth. What are they doing bleeching or using porcelain veneers? Is this normal in America now? What do you think of the candidates teeth? Did you notice that they are so white?

Aren't the US candidates teeth excessively white?
Well, dentists have to eat too, you know. What do you have against cosmetic dentistry?
Reply:"The better to eat you with, my dear!"
Reply:So this is what you are paying attention to?

Based on whiteness of teeth, who are you voting for?
Reply:I hear they are all doing Den-teen commercials.
Reply:You too can have excessively white teeth. This can be done by a dentist or you can just visit any store that has toothpaste. There will also be all kinds of home-use tooth whiteners on the shelf. They also spend $400 on a hair cut. I'm more interested in what comes out of their mouth than how gleaming their smile is or what their hair looks like. I wish they were.
Reply:If you don't appeal to idiots, you have no chance at winning the election. I would bet dollars to donuts a significant amount of morons vote for the looks.
Reply:Politicians probably all have fake teeth. It complements all their other fake and phony attributes. -RKO- 06/30/07
Reply:You are right, especially about the cartoon or fake quality. They are porcelain veneers. It is not bleaching. I am glad to know someone else noticed. I would regard it as poor dentistry.

I have a theory. Their campaign advisers took a poll and it showed that it would gain more votes that it lost. So I guess you could say it is normal for candidates now.
Reply:I suspect that whiteness is an illusion. When your are as dirty as a rep or senator yer teeth would naturally look white against your blackened fa sod

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