Saturday, July 25, 2009

I used white brite tooth whitener on my teeth without permission?

My mom bleaches her teeth with white brite and i found the tube in the fridge...

When I was little she let me put the stuff on my front teeth...

A little while back I put tissue paper in my mouth to hold my gums away from my teeth and let the stuff sit for a little while...

(going into highschool and I wanted whiter teeth)

Now my teeth are whiter in some spots than they are in others.

It reminds me of when I'm sick and breath through my mouth, I get these white spots on the tips of my teeth.... Because they get really dry or something...

Did I really screw up, or is it because I had no moisture?

I used white brite tooth whitener on my teeth without permission?
White spots on the teeth are common when using a whitening product and that is what I believe you are seeing. The areas should rehydrate and the spots disappear soon, though the edges of the teeth are normally lighter because they are thinner. The teeth get dehydrated as the agent penetrates the tooth to remove the stain and this happened to me as well...

Hope that helps!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:If you seriously want whiter teeth then have your mother explain to you how to use the product. Or you could talk to your dentist. I find it hard to believe that it would cause spots on your teeth. Are you sure or are you just paranoid?

my bird

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